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The Process

The first meeting was a combination of casual conversations and sticky-note-prompts. The second meeting involved providing feedback on different development ideas and continuing the sticky-note-prompts.

The Results

Through the conversations, sticky notes, and feedback, we distilled 8 key themes. Click below for summaries of each theme.


There was a clear desire for year-round recreation and multi-use trails. Many people wanted to leverage the parcel to boost/develop the winter economy of Cooper Landing. There were also comments about the need for indoor recreation opportunities for all ages.


Some people very strongly wanted affordable housing; others thought that was not an appropriate use of the parcel and/or had concerns about feasibility/logistics. Additionally, there are concerns about wealthy outsiders buying large lots/building expensive homes that will be left empty and unmaintained for most of the year. Desire for local priority.


Many folks had concerns about the current state of the economy (highly seasonal) and expressed a desire to create more stability. There were competing concerns: wanting to use Unit 395 to build up the economy, and not wanting Unit 395 to draw money and customers away from existing local businesses.

Community Character

People consistently advocated for maintaining the character of the community: quaint, scenic, free from urban sprawl.

Wildlife and Wildlife Access

Protecting wildlife, wildlife habitat, and wildlife corridors was a clear and consistent priority. Even many of the people who wanted some sort of development activity on Unit 395 mentioned the importance of protecting the natural environment.

Access and Connectivity

There is a concern that development in Unit 395 would create a divided, disconnected, sprawled community. Many people also brought up the existing challenges with Cooper Landing Emergency Services and expressed worry about CLES access to Unit 395 developments.

Additionally, several people pointed out that the 1996 Cooper Landing Land Use Plan specifies that there should be NO access to Unit 395 from the new Sterling Highway bypass.

General Development

Concerns about resources for families and children came up repeatedly.

The general consensus was that anything that happens to Unit 395 should benefit Cooper Landing residents. Some suggested user fees or various forms of taxes that would send revenue to the community.

Frustration with the KPB

Through both sticky notes and conversations, people expressed frustration with the KPB. There are pervasive concerns that the borough won't listen to community wishes due to perceptions around previous planning experiences.

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